Dear patients of Dr Ting Wang,
We are writing to let you know that Dr Wang is unfortunately leaving Johnsonville Medical Centre to pursue her specialist career in treating musculoskeletal conditions.
From after Monday March 4th, Dr Wang will only work on Fridays, until March 22 as her last day with us.
You are currently registered with Dr Wang as your primary health provider. To support your ongoing care, we will register you with one of our other excellent GPs. Our GPs who are taking on new patients at the moment are:
Name & Language/s spoken:
Dr Sarah Li - Cantonese, Mandarin, English
Dr Bridget Gilmour - English
Dr Julia Hudson - English
Dr Jun Lee - English
If you would like to select one of the above GPs, please either email us at hello@johnsonvillemedical.co.nz (preferred) or call us on 04 920 8850 to let us know who you would like to be enrolled with. When emailing, please ensure to include your full name and date of birth of yourself and any family members you are emailing on behalf of.
You are still able to see other GPs for more urgent enquiries, however we encourage you to see your GP where possible, as a good relationship with your GP often leads to more supportive and effective care.
If we don’t hear from you by Monday 26 February, then we will automatically register you with one of the GPs listed above. We will let you know who this GP is; you can still request to change to another GP after this date, however in the meantime please direct any prescription requests to your registered GP. We also encourage you to make an appointment with your new GP to ensure a smooth transfer of care.
If you’d like to discuss this with us, please call us on 04 920 8850 and we’ll be happy to help.
We wish Ting all the very best with this new and exciting career direction.
Kind Regards,
The team at Johnsonville Medical Centre
非常遗憾地通知您,王医生即将离开约翰逊维尔家庭医生诊所,去继续她疼痛学专科的工作和深造。因此对您带来的不便深感抱歉。 非常感谢您一直以来对王医生的信任和支持。
从3 月 4 日星期一以后,王医生只接受星期五的预约。3 月 22 日星期五将是王医生在我们诊所工作的最后一天。
您目前仍注册在王医生名下 。 为了给您继续提供优质医疗服务,这里向您推荐我们诊所的其他几位目前还可以接收新患者的优秀的家庭医生。
李莎拉医生 (Sarah Li) - 粤语、普通话、英语
布里奇特·吉尔莫医生(Bridget Gilmour) - 英语
朱莉娅·哈德森医生 (Julia Hudson) - 英语
李俊医生 (Jun Lee) - 英语
如果您想注册任何上述的一位家庭医生,请发送电子邮件至 hello@johnsonvillemedical.co.nz(首选)或致电 04 920 8850 通知我们变更您的医生注册。 发送电子邮件时,请务必包含您自己以及您所代表的其他家庭成员的全名和出生日期。
如果在 2 月 26 日星期一之前我们还没有收到您的回复,那么我们将自动为您注册到上面列出的一位家庭医生名下, 并且尽快告知您。 在此日期之后,您仍然可以要求更换注册到其他家庭医生名下。在注册更换期间,如果您需要开处方,请您将请求发送给您的注册医生。 我们鼓励您有机会来预约了解您新的家庭医生,以确保注册顺利过渡。
如果您有任何疑问,请致电 04 920 8850,我们将很乐意为您提供帮助。